The Application form for residence is accessible here, or can be ordered directly from BCWT or through national organizations for writers and translators

Authors and literary translators can apply for a residency at the BCWT in Visby.
BCWT welcomes applicants from all countries, yet residency priority is, according to the statutes, to be given literary professionals from the countries in the Baltic Sea region and Scandinavia.

BCWT welcomes authors and literary translators of fiction, prose, poetry, children’s books, essays, playwrights, screenwriters and similar.

A stay at BCWT is free of charge and is a residency grant.
The residency term is 3-5 weeks in average.
Applications can be submitted at any time and will be considered on a rolling basis.

Emergency residencies for literary professionals, writers and literary translators from Ukraine.
The residency period can be 1-3 months

Eligible applications from Ukraine will be processed immediately

About BCWT
The premises
The Library
Travel information
Baltic Writers' Council
Svensk information