The Swedish Arts Council and the Baltic Centre for Writers and Translators in cooperation with the National Heritage Board will carry out a conference THINK “FUTURE” – DO NOW on children culture in the Baltic Sea Region. The conference is taking place on 30 March - 1 April 2007 in Visby, Gotland.
With this conference, Sweden is inviting to exchange experience and knowledge in questions of children culture for the purpose of strengthening and spreading working models and good examples that can inspire and lead to further developments in the work for children culture of high quality. The ambition is to develop cooperation and networks in the Baltic Sea Region. The focus of the conference will be upon cross-border meetings, with special attention being paid to pedagogical aspect within literature and cultural heritage.
The conference is aimed at networks and institutions for children and youth culture as well as producers, researchers, educationalists, politicians and civil servants, all with a base in questions concerning children culture.